Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The Message of the Blog

Seminary Professor, Dr Craig Blomberg asks if Blogs are good for the body (of Christ that is)...

Leadership Blog: Out of Ur: The Blessing of Blogs: Is the New Media Good for the Church?: "I’m hardly an expert on blogging. My own ministry has been critiqued once or twice by bloggers, and my experiences with their postings have largely led me to ignore them. When Out of Ur ran a controversial story about a good friend of mine this fall, I read and contributed to the responses with interest for several weeks. That is the sum total of my experience with blogs. But it’s enough for me to raise some questions. If Marshall McLuhan was even partly right that “the medium is the message,” then what message does the medium of blogging send?"

To read more, click here...


dpotter said...

Well...of course I am biased, but I think it is good insofar as the bloggers are providing new insights and helping the person to wrestle with the implications of his/her theology.

Jon W said...

Hmmm... Yes but thinking a little bit wider, is the principle of "freedom of speech" inviolate?

A wise man once said, "my rights end at the tip of your nose, and not the end of my arm." Consider what's taking place over the muslim cartoons published in Europe.